Hi, my name is Alex Picard, and I'm Computer Engineering Undergraduate Student.

Some things about me are that I am currently enrolled in my final year of university at the University of Maine in the process of completing my B.S. Additionally I have been accepted into my masters of science program at Boston University for software development. In my free time, I like to go to the gym, take pictures, and learn new things. I am from a small town in Maine called Caribou, but currently for school I have an apartment in the Orono, Maine area with an additional housing availible in Boston, MA, however I am open to work throughout the United States. I am open to various opportunities of careers within computers, however my current specialties include software, and deep learning engineering.

About memy stats

Information about me

As previously stated on the home page, I'm from Caribou, Maine and have done many different things from sports all four years of high school to reaching the rank of Eagle Scout and Brotherhood in the Scouts and the Order of the Arrow respectively. I am great at learning in a lab or work environment as I think the difference in ECE GPA and cumulative GPA compare. I have taught myself many things along the way including Python, AI development, and Web Development packages.




Credit hours





My Skills



















My Timeline

May 2023-September 2024

Undergraduate Research Assistant -Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC)

I converted Matlab to Python and developing different machine and deep learning models to help with the research process such as implementing Physics Informed Neural Networks and Multi-Fidelity Deep Active Learning models.

July 2022-present

Stocking 2 Associate -Walmart

Some things I learned while being here include time management, effective communication, and leadership.

June 2020-August 2021

Line Cook -Burger Boy

A part-time job from my hometown that taught me how to think effectively, and how to think outside the box.

March 2021-August 2021

Cook -B52 Pizza and Subs

I helped open this restaurant owned by the owner of Burger Boy but it is currently out of business. What I learned from here includes respecting everyone's opinions and how to help wherever needed.

My PortfolioMy Work

Some work and projects I have done. I classify technical projects as thing that I have spent over ten hours on, or if it is a team project averages more than ten hours a person.

Pong Game

This project was the final project for ECE 275 Sequential Logic Systems and it used a Quartus II Cyclone III FPGA and the basic controls were the switches for moving up and down, while a button on the FPGA was used to reset to the starting state. The game also included lives through the colors of the paddles. the green is full of lives, yellow means you lost one life, orange is you've lost two lives, and being on red means that there's one life left. Also to make the game harder, there is a hard mode implemented where it turns the ball into the background color to hide where it is going until it reaches around 100 pixels away from the side walls.

DC-DC Power Supply

This project was the final project for ECE 210 where we went through the whole process of developing a DC-DC boost converter. Through this project, we did all the math needed, along with running simulations with Ngspice, and MATLAB. Once our design met the design specification, we implemented it on a breadboard and debugged it until we met the specifications through measuring tools such as the Analog Digilent II and a voltmeter. Finally, throughout the process, we had to document our process steps and report them in a technical report.

Portfolio Website

This project is the current webpage you are looking at currently where I had the help from freeCodeAcademy portfolio video, but as I learn more about Web Development the more this website will change with plans to learn and implement React, node.js and turn it into a full-stack project and not just a frontend. Current technologies used are HTML/CSS and JavaScript.

RISC-V 5 Stage Pipeline Processor

This project was the final project for ECE 473 Computer Arch and Organization and it used Quartus, and an Altera Cyclone V FPGA. We used Verilog and block diagrams to build a simple 5 stage pipeline processor that has the implemented instructions from RISC-V. The processor has passed all 9 benchmark problems to test the processor including, but not limited to binary search and computing the fibonacci sequence. Code should work on github. If needed a zip file can be sent of 100% working design.

ASL Interpreter

This project involves using a Raspberry Pi 5 and the Coral mini-PCIe TPU to preform real time classification to determine which ASL letters were displayed to the camera

Gas Sensor Web Server

This project involves using a Raspberry Pi 3B+ to intermittently poll a MiCS 5524 and SGP 30 to gather sensor reading and display them onto a web server usng Python, Flask, Javascript, and HTML/TailwindCSS/CSS. This server isn't live as the sensors were borrowed.

Alfond Data Logger

This project is my senior project where we had to design and solder parts onto a PCB and produce microcontroller code for this device. Our project involed gathering data from a DS18B20, MS8607, and INA260, then this data was displayed on a SSD1306, and sent through Zigbee to a Raspberry Pi 4, which then saves this data into a CSV for future use in the arena.

My ClassesMy Classes

Current Classes

There is currently an error where if you click a class on Safari the information for the class doesn't appear.

As this error seems to only occur on Safari, switching browsers should work, and show the information as intended.

COS 420

Required?: No

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it will help me think like a Software Engineer.

Description: A broad view of software engineering which introduces a variety of software engineering techniques which can be applied to practical software projects. Topics include process models, human factors, software specification; software design, programming techniques and tools, and validation.

COS 420

Intro to Software Engineering

ECE 498

Required?: No

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it will help me learn how to write more secure code and prevent hacks.

Description: Topics in electrical engineering not regularly covered in other courses. May include advanced microprocessor applications, robot applications, instrumentation semiconductor technology, introduction to VLSI design and microwave acoustics. Content can be varied to suit current needs. May be repeated for credit, with departmental permission, if topics differ for a total of 9 completions and 27 total credits. (This topic is covering the foundations of cyber security)

ECE 498

Selected Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

COS 442

Required?: No

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it will give me a better understanding of software development in the cloud.

Description: The National Institute of Stands and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing as "a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction." This course will study the technologies underpinning the rapid expansion of this computing paradigm, the problem-solving capabilities enabled by the cloud, and provide the student with hands-on experience in utilizing cloud services for scientific research. It will focus on the virtualization of computational resources, cloud storage models, distributed computing in the cloud, and important applications areas such as big data analytics. COS 442 and COS 542 cannot both be taken for credit. If COS 542 was taken as a topics course in COS 598, it cannot be repeated for credit.

COS 442

Cloud Computing

ECE 403

Required?: Yes

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it is the last semester of a three-semester-long project.

Description: Third of a three-semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation, and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part three: written and oral presentation of the completed project.

ECE 403

Elec & Comp Eng Design Project

ECE 491

Required?: No

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it will help me learn even more about AI and deep learning.

Description: This course is an introduction to deep learning, a branch of machine learning concerned with the development and application of deep artificial neural networks. Topics include convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and their applications for various engineering and scientific problems. Students should know at least one high-level programming language. This course will use Python and give tutorials on Python programming. Students will gain hands-on experience of developing, training, and evaluating deep learning models to solve sophisticated problems.

ECE 491

Deep Learning

ECE/EET Classes

ECE 100

Grade: 3.33

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my Freshman Seminar class.

Description: Introduces first-year and transfer students to different aspects of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering programs and exploration of career paths and professional responsibilities. Presentations will be made by the instructor, faculty, and industry speakers.

ECE 100

Elect & Comp Engineer Seminar

ECE 101

Grade: 3.67

Why I took this course: I took this course to see an overview of all the possibilities in computer engineering.

Description: Introduction to information and concepts of general use in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Topics include: the basic use of personal computers, mathematical concepts, and the development of problem-solving skills with professional communication. Students work in teams on projects involving digital and motor control.

ECE 101

Intro Elect & Comp Eng

ECE 177

Grade: 2.67

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of software development, which in this course was C.

Description: Introduction to computer programming with emphasis on algorithms and an understanding of underlying hardware. Topics include syntax, variables, control structures, pointers, operations, functions, and input and output.

ECE 177

Intro Program for Engineers

ECE 198

Grade: 3.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of software development, which in this course was C++.

Description: This course was about learning the OOP language, C++. For a description that is similar to this, refer to COS 225.

ECE 198

Sel Top Elec & Computer Egr - Course Topic: Object-Oriented Programming

ECE 210

Grade: 4.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of hardware development and for future prerequisites.

Description: Topics include: Basic circuit laws and theorems, nodal analysis, op-amps, natural and forced responses of first and second-order systems, phasor concepts, solution of steady-state AC circuits, AC power calculations.

ECE 210

Electric Circuits I

ECE 275

Grade: 2.67

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of firmware development and for future prerequisites.

Description: Methods of design and testing for logic systems with memory. Includes procedures and the design of system tests, combinational design, multi-level circuits, logic minimization, sequential design, analysis and optimization and the use of computer tools for logic design.

ECE 275

Sequential Logic Systems

ECE 214

Grade: 3.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of hardware development and for future prerequisites.

Description: Extension of ECE 210 introducing frequency response, basic filters, Bode plots, and Fourier Series, with lab exercise and circuit simulations to demonstrate concepts. Participants become familiar with circuit simulation, safety, and grounding considerations, instrumentation, e.g., oscilloscopes, signal sources, multimeters, and signal analyzers. Also of particular significance will be the development of technical writing skills.

ECE 214

Electrical Circuits II

ECE 271

Grade: 4.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of firmware and software development.

Description: The microcomputer and its component parts include microprocessors, registers, memory, and I/O. Programming in C and Assembly and applying the microcomputer in engineering systems.

ECE 271

Microcomputer Arch & Appl

ECE 314

Grade: 1.0

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of signal analysis and for future prerequisites.

Description: Analysis of continuous linear time-invariant systems including Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transform techniques and their applications; transformation and properties of continuous signals and systems, convolution, transfer functions and state variable system representations.

ECE 314

Signals & Systems

ECE 331

Grade: W

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course to better understand server basics.

Description: Topics include hardware and devices, file systems, user management, backup and recovery, application management, and network services such as NFS, NIS, DNS, DHCP, electronic mail, and Web servers. Problem-solving and diagnostic methods, performance tuning, legal and professional issues, ethics and policies, and security aspects of hosts on the Internet are discussed. Students gain hands-on experience and complete a project.

ECE 331

Intro to UNIX Systems Admin

ECE 342

Grade: 2.7

Why I took this course: I took this course to expand my knowledge of hardware development.

Description: Investigates semiconductor fundamentals of the p-n junction, BJT and MOSFET. Static and low-frequency dynamic models are developed and utilized in design and analysis. Explores basic electronic circuit building blocks based on diodes, BJT's MOSFET's and fully-compensated op-amps. Digital efforts are concentrated in the CMOS and pseudo-NMOS areas.

ECE 342

Electronics I

ECE 405

Grade: 3.0

Why I took this course: I took this course as it is the first of three senior project semesters.

Description: First of a three-semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation, and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part one: project selection, feasibility studies and proposal writing.

ECE 405

Computer Engineer Design Proj

ECE 406

Grade: 2.67

Why I took this course: I took this course as it is the second of three semester-long senior project.

Description: Second of a three-semester sequence of courses involving the design, implementation, and reporting of an engineering device, system or software package by an individual student or small group. Part two: resource location, module debugging, prototype testing.

ECE 406

Computer Engineer Design Proj

ECE 471

Grade: 4.0

Why I took this course: I tookg this course to expand my knowledge of firmware and software development.

Description: Application of micro-processors to the solution of design problems, including hardware characteristics, peripheral control techniques and system development.

ECE 471

Embedded Systems

ECE 473

Grade: 4.0

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course to help round out my skills as a computer engineer, helping in my firmware engineering side.

Description: Evolution, design implementation, and evaluation of state-of-the-art systems; the organization and structure of computer systems; the architecture of single-processor computer systems; Memory Systems, including interleaving, hierarchies, virtual memory and cache implementations; Communications and I/O, including bus architectures, disk arrays, and DMA.

ECE 473

Computer Arch & Organization

ECE 486

Grade: 3.0

Why I took this course: I took this course as it helped with understanding of analog and digital signals

Description: A study of discrete-time signals and systems, Z-transforms, discrete Fourier series, and transforms. Efficient implementations of discrete-time system and design of IIR, FIR, and multirate digital filter structures.

ECE 486

Digital Signal Processing

ECE 498

Required?: No

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as need one extra credit in ECE for a technical credit and this embedded system design class counts as one credit hour.

Description: Topics in electrical engineering not regularly covered in other courses. May include advanced microprocessor applications, robot applications, instrumentation semiconductor technology, introduction to VLSI design and microwave acoustics. Content can be varied to suit current needs.

ECE 498

Topics in Elec & Computer Engineering

EET 486

Grade: 4.0

Why I took this course: I took this course for a formal management course.

Description: Covers the basics with particular emphasis on Technical Project Management. Includes designing a project plan, selecting and allocating resources, team-building skills, project plan implementation, and other topics relevant to Project Management. Focuses on developing the skills needed to effectively manage a variety of technical projects, and to prepare students for certification as Project Management Professionals (PMP).

EET 486

Project Management

Computer Science Classes

COS 140

Grade: 4.0

Why I'm taking this course: I'm taking this course as it is required for the COS minor.

Description: A rigorous, non-programming introduction to the field of computer science. Several core areas of computer science are introduced, including digital logic, computer organization and architecture, operating systems, programming languages, and computer networks. For each, particular solutions to fundamental problems in the area are studied in depth to expose the student to what the field is actually about how computer scientists think. No programming is taught or required in the course.

COS 140

Foundations of Computer Sci

COS 225

Grade: 3.3

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course to get into the Computer Science department and this class is a base requirement.

Description: Introduces the student to the fundamental principles of object-oriented design and programming using a high-level object-oriented language. Focuses on the specification, design, and implementation of classes and the interactions between classes, inheritance, abstract classes, and polymorphism. Introduces fundamental data structures including stacks, queues, lists, and binary trees.

COS 225

Object-Oriented Design, Proj

COS 226

Grade: 2.7

Why I took this course: I took this course to better understand data structures, and for higher-level computer science courses.

Description: Introduction to the fundamental principles of data structures, including their use, specification, and implementation, as well as fundamental principles of algorithms related to data structures. Data structures covered include lists, trees, graphs, and hash tables. Also covers the fundamentals of algorithm analysis and a basic introduction to NP-completeness.

COS 226

Intro Data Struct & Algorithms

COS 250

Grade: 2.67

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course as it will satisfy my discrete mathematics credit.

Description: Introduction to discrete structures used in various areas of computer science. Topics include logic, sets, relations, functions, cardinality, enumeration, and computability.

COS 250

Discrete Structures

COS 331

Grade: 2.33

Why I took this course: A OS course is required for the major and this counts towards the electives of my CS minor

Description: Study of the structure of current computer operating systems. Topics include I/O management, memory management, multiprogramming, linking loaders, real and virtual systems, batch and time sharing.

COS 331

Operating Systems

COS 475

Required?: No

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course to understand more about the machine learning process

Description: Machine Learning is the study of how to build computer systems that learn from experience. It is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence and requires a good background knowledge in linear algebra (LA) and probability. The course will explain how to build systems that learn and adapt using examples from real-world applications. Main topics covered in this course includes supervised learning such as classification and regression, lasso, feature selection, neural networks, random forest, support vector machines, unsupervised learning like PCA, clustering, and GMM, deep convolutional neural network, generative adversarial networks, and reinforcement learning.

COS 475

Machine Learning

Math Classes

MAT 117

Grade: 4.00

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: This course focuses on variables, functions, and equations involving functions. Topics include general concepts of functions and properties of power, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, as well as corresponding equations.

MAT 111

College Algebra

MAT 121

Grade: 3.33

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: Polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions are covered. Special emphasis is placed on the trigonometric functions. Other topics include composite and inverse functions, and analytic geometry.

MAT 121


MAT 126

Grade: 3.33

Why I took this course: I took this course to reinforce my previous Calculus I course.

Description: An introduction to calculus for students in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. Covers the differential calculus of the algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, concluding with the definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus. The approach is intuitive and geometric, with an emphasis on understanding the basic concepts of function, limit, derivative and integral.

MAT 126

Calculus I

MAT 127

Grade: 2.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my Calculus II credit.

Description: Completes the study of single-variable calculus. Topics covered include inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, methods of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate forms, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and infinite series.

MAT 127

Calculus II

MAT 228

Grade: 2.67

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my Calculus III credit.

Description: For students of mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. Vector algebra, geometry, and calculus; multivariable differential and integral calculus, including the theorems of Gauss, Green, and Stokes.

MAT 228

Calculus III

MAT 258

Grade: 2.33

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my differential equations with linear algebra credit.

Description: An introduction to elementary linear algebra and ordinary differential equations including applications.

MAT 258

Int Diff Equa W/Linear Alg

STS 332

Grade: 3.3

Why I took this course: I'm taking this course to satisfy my statistics course.

Description: Statistical methods applicable to engineering including theory and application of classical and nonparametric methods.

STS 332

Statistics for Engineers

General Education and Physics Classes

PHY 121

Grade: 3.67

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my Physics I credit.

Description: An introductory calculus-based physics course, primarily serving students majoring in engineering or the physical sciences. Treats mechanics and acoustics.

PHY 121

Phy Eng & Physical Sci I

PHY 122

Grade: 3.33

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my Physics II credit.

Description: A continuation of PHY 121 including electricity, magnetism, and optics.

PHY 122

Phy Eng & Physical Sci II

PSY 100

Grade: 4.00

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: Provides a general introduction to psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. The course presents major theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and key findings in physiological, cognitive, motivation, learning, developmental, personality, abnormal, and social psychology.

PSY 100

General Psychology

HTY 161

Grade: 3.67

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: Surveys broad themes and developments in United States history from the pre-contact period through the Civil War and Reconstruction.

HTY 161

United States History I

HTY 162

Grade: 3.67

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: Surveys broad themes and developments in United States history from the Civil War and Reconstruction through the present.

HTY 162

United States History II

ENG 101

Grade: 3.67

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: The first part of a two-semester sequence in writing, reading, and critical thinking. Emphasis on expository prose, including rhetorical strategies such as observation, explanation, and persuasion. Development of awareness and refinement of the student's own writing process. Some attention to grammar and syntax, as warranted by student writing.

ENG 101

College Composition

CHY 111

Grade: 3.00

Why I took this course: I took this course as a high school dual-credit course.

Description: The first semester of a two-semester lecture and laboratory course in general chemistry. Topics will include the study of the states of matter, structure of matter, chemical reaction, stoichiometric problems, solutions, periodic relationships and periodic table.

CHY 111

General Chemistry I

HPR 101

Grade: 3.00

Why I took this course: I took this course online for a high school dual-credit course.

Description: Students will gain scientific evidence-based knowledge and skills in assessing their wellness, practicing a healthy lifestyle, and pursuing goals for a wellness behavior change. The focus will be on lifelong, primary prevention as a way to contribute to a richer quality of life.

HPR 101

Lifelong Wellness

CMJ 103

Grade: 4.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my public speaking credit.

Description: The nature and problems of public speech communication, with practical experience in representative speaking situations.

CMJ 103

Public Speaking

INV 121

Grade: 3.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my art general education credit.

Description: Regardless of one's field of study, students need to be able to identify problems and generate solutions, communicate these solutions effectively, and test and implement them successfully. In this course, you will use the Innovation Engineering process and system, that incorporates skills and teaches students how to rapidly innovate and solve everyday problems. This course is designed to provide a complete overview of the Innovation Engineering system.

INV 121

Fundamentals of Innovation

ANT 101

Grade: 2.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my cultural diversity general education credit.

Description: A survey course focusing on the evolution of humankind, the development of culture, and the beginnings of civilization.

ANT 101

Int Ant: Human Orgin/Prehist

CIE 210

Grade: 2.00

Why I took this course: I took this course to satisfy my population and the environment general education credit.

Description: Introduction to sustainability and sustainable development concepts; the role of engineers in sustainable development; ethical dimension of sustainable development-engineers, technology, and ethics; measuring sustainability; green and sustainable materials; engineers as problem solvers and curators of the planet.

CIE 210

Sustain in Engineering

Contact meContact Info

Contact Info



: Bangor, Maine

Summer Location

: Brookline, Massachusetts, and Bangor, Maine


: Email for phone number

School Email

: alex.m.picard@maine.edu

Personal Email

: am.picard03@gmail.com